60 Seconds

While 60 Minutes may be CBS’s longstanding news show, 60 seconds is the length of the micro Skype interview that I will be doing for an online media project that launches today, October 28!  The mini interview will be conducted by Hana Kamm, who is curating and hosting the digital media series on her site called “She’s Next.” The She’s Next project will be a “24 hour vigil on October 28, 2010 which will include 60 second video segments from inspirational women each hour, and be followed up by a 60 second interview each day for the rest of the month.  The entire series will be focusing on what it means for a 21st century woman to find happiness, cultivate leadership, and help change the world for the better….” words straight from Hana’s mouth!  Doesn’t it sound like an amazing, unique and fascinating project?  Kudos to her for dreaming up such a fabulous idea!  I will be watching and listening feverishly!

Hanna is a recent transplant to Chicago from NYC, so I am excited to be representing her adopted hometown 🙂  I’d love if all you MGs out there checked out at least one of the interviews….after all, they are only 60 seconds each!

My inspirational image for today……