Washington Bedrooms

I found myself very attracted to these two bedrooms that were featured in this month’s Traditional Home.  One of them happens to be located on the East coast in Washington D.C. and the other happens to be located on the West coast, in Seattle, Washington.

Exhibit A:

Washington D.C. Design House- (design by Kelley Proxmire)


Exhibit B:

Seattle, Washington (design by Carrie Hayden)


I really do love them both! They are both very feminine, soothing and luxurious (my favorite traits!); but on the other hand, their color schemes couldn’t be further from each other.  You have the bright and cheerful robin’s-egg-blue and ivory versus the subdued and more neutral gray and parchment scheme.

Which brings us to my never-ending internal “interiors” debate- do more color or do more neutral? Decisions decisions! They are both irresistable!