Bloggers night out with Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart and Omnimedia hosted a party last night for all the fellow bloggers who are in town for the BlogHer Conference this weekend and what a great party!  There were well over 400 bloggers in Martha Stewart’s office on 26th Street, mingling about, tasting recipes from Martha’s latest issue of Everyday Food, playing with the latest and greatest crafts products, getting fake lashes put on and blogging/tweeting while doing it all!  I myself passed on the fake lashes, but went straight to the crafts table to see what it was all about.

The punch around the page kit had to be my favorite!  How adorable is this hand-crafted stationary that take seconds to make.  It’s fun, cost effective and might even get your kids to write their thank you notes if they can have fun while doing it!

Want to paint your dresser or your wall in a faux bois?  It’s easy to do with Martha Stewart’s painting kits which are expected to hit stores in September.  Keep your eyes peeled and check her website for availability.  There are plenty of painting effects to choose from so whatever your style may be, I’m sure she’ll have the right tool!

Faux Bois


Now to the food..I was only able to sample a few things but can tell you everything looked amazing and well worth the time in the kitchen.  The first thing I tried was the Bistro Slider with pickled onions


Grilled S’mores

So easy and fun for kids!

Another great idea for a party/dessert if you’re crunched for time or just want something different and fun – create an oreo cake on a cake stand for all your guests to pick apart.  You’ll of course want to have some milk near by..

Thanks Martha/Omnimedia for a great evening.  I look forward to trying new recipes and craft projects at home!